Posted by Keerat Singh on Friday, August 22, 2008

soriT mhlw 9 ] (634-1)
sorath mehlaa 9.
Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl:

pRIqm jwin lyhu mn mwhI ]
pareetam jaan layho man maahee.
O dear friend, know this in your mind.

Apny suK isau hI jgu PWiDE ko kwhU ko nwhI ]1] rhwau ]
apnay sukh si-o hee jag faaNDhi-o ko kaahoo ko naahee. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The world is entangled in its own pleasures; no one is for anyone else. ||1||Pause||

suK mY Awin bhuqu imil bYTq rhq chU idis GyrY ]
sukh mai aan bahut mil baithat rahat chahoo dis ghayrai.
In good times, many come and sit together, surrounding you on all four sides.

ibpiq prI sB hI sMgu Cwifq koaU n Awvq nyrY ]1]
bipat paree sabh hee sang chhaadit ko-oo na aavat nayrai. ||1||
But when hard times come, they all leave, and no one comes near you. ||1||

Gr kI nwir bhuqu ihqu jw isau sdw rhq sMg lwgI ]
ghar kee naar bahut hit jaa si-o sadaa rahat sang laagee.
Your wife, whom you love so much, and who has remained ever attached to you,

jb hI hMs qjI ieh kWieAw pRyq pRyq kir BwgI ]2]
jab hee hans tajee ih kaaN-i-aa parayt parayt kar bhaagee. ||2||
runs away crying, "Ghost! Ghost!", as soon as the swan-soul leaves this body. ||2||

ieh ibiD ko ibauhwru binE hY jw isau nyhu lgwieE ]
ih biDh ko bi-uhaar bani-o hai jaa si-o nayhu lagaa-i-o.
This is the way they act - those whom we love so much.

AMq bwr nwnk ibnu hir jI koaU kwim n AwieE ]3]12]139]
ant baar naanak bin har jee ko-oo kaam na aa-i-o. ||3||12||139||
At the very last moment, O Nanak, no one is any use at all, except the Dear Lord. ||3||12||139||

More Gurbani Shabads


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