rwgu jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ] (1352-4)
raag jaijaavantee mehlaa 9.
Raag Jaijaavantee, Ninth Mehla:
raam simar raam simar ihai tayrai kaaj hai.
Meditate in remembrance on the Lord - meditate on the Lord; this alone shall be of use to you.
mwieAw ko sMgu iqAwgu pRB jU kI srin lwgu ]
maa-i-aa ko sang ti-aag parabh joo kee saran laag.
Abandon your association with Maya, and take shelter in the Sanctuary of God.
jgq suK mwnu imiQAw JUTo sB swju hY ]1] rhwau ]
jagat sukh maan mithi-aa jhootho sabh saaj hai. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Remember that the pleasures of the world are false; this whole show is just an illusion. ||1||Pause||
supny ijau Dnu pCwnu kwhy pir krq mwnu ]
supnay ji-o Dhan pachhaan kaahay par karat maan.
You must understand that this wealth is just a dream. Why are you so proud?
bwrU kI BIiq jYsy bsuDw ko rwju hY ]1]
baaroo kee bheet jaisay basuDhaa ko raaj hai. ||1||
The empires of the earth are like walls of sand. ||1||
nwnku jnu khqu bwq ibnis jYhY qyro gwqu ]
naanak jan kahat baat binas jaihai tayro gaat.
Servant Nanak speaks the Truth: your body shall perish and pass away.
In a consultation the ved bhawan vedic astrology analyses your horoscope and makes predictions for coming 3 years. He keeps all areas of your life in mind. He tells you all good and bad things you need to know for living a peaceful life. Then he answers all your questions you may ask such as about your health, illness, personality, wealth, income, expenses, losses, property, vehicle, education, knowledge, children, love, friends, enemies, spouse, marriage, business, accidents, fate, fortune, nature support, troubles, professions, promotions, honors, disgraces and litigations.